Bike for 10 minutes
Internal and external rotation for rotator cuffs
Leg press calf raise: 5 x 10 – 315, 495, 675, 855(9), 855(9)
Reverse Hanging Chain Flys: 4 x 12 – use bodyweight with increasing resistance by bringing my feet more and more forward set to set.
Incline Barbell Press w/ monster mini bands (1 1/2 loops): 6 x 8 – bar, 95, 145, 185, 225, 245(5)
Flat Dumbbell Press: 3 x 8 – all 3 sets @ 125lbs DBs
One Arm Dumbbell Rows: 5 x 10 – 70, 105, 150, 200(7), 200(8)
Partial Deadlift into a Barbell Shrug: 5 x 10 – 245, 425, 515, 605, 605
plus some stretching…