Archive for the ‘Training’ Category

Training – Friday February 10th

February 13th, 2012  |  CATEGORY: Training

Warmed up on bike for 10 minutes + rotator warmup. I have to be extremely careful with my left bicep as I pulled it on Monday doing one-arm dumbbell rows. Back volume will be cut in half today as well as less weight and more reps.

Incline high rows on SM (for rear delts): 4 x 10 – 60, 90, 120, 4 sets at 160lbs

Wide grip Lat Pulldowns (w/ 10 second stretch at the end of each set): 4 x 12 – 120, 160, 4 sets at 200lbs

Standing Swiss Bar Overhead Press: 5 x 8 (pyramid up) – 80, 120, 160, 170, 180 (6)

DB Side Laterals (timed 1 minute between sets): 4 x 15 – 30, 4 sets at 45lbs

Modified JM Press: 3 x 8 – bar, 95, 135, 175, 3 sets at 205lbs

Standing Calf raise (on hack squat) – 4 x 15 – 225, 405, 4 sets at 495

My left bicep does not have any bruising but it’s still tender to the touch. I still have not had any therapy on it but I should.

Training for Monday February 6th

February 7th, 2012  |  CATEGORY: Training


Bike for 10 minutes

Internal and external rotation for rotator cuffs


Leg press calf raise: 5 x 10 – 315, 495, 675, 855(9), 855(9)

Reverse Hanging Chain Flys: 4 x 12 – use bodyweight with increasing resistance by bringing my feet more and more forward set to set.

Incline Barbell Press w/ monster mini bands (1 1/2 loops): 6 x 8 – bar, 95, 145, 185, 225, 245(5)

Flat Dumbbell Press: 3 x 8 – all 3 sets @ 125lbs DBs

One Arm Dumbbell Rows: 5 x 10 – 70, 105, 150, 200(7), 200(8)

Partial Deadlift into a Barbell Shrug: 5 x 10 – 245, 425, 515, 605, 605

plus some stretching…

Training for Saturday February 4th

February 5th, 2012  |  CATEGORY: Training




Bike for 10 minutes


This entire week of training is a “deload” week. This means that I am training around 40-60% of my maximum capacity. This gives my body a chance to recuperate and “catch up” from all the heavy training weeks prior. My muscles still get flushed with blood (bringing in nutrients, hormones, etc.) while my nervous system, joints and muscles get a break from all the stress. Next week I will start a new 3-week mini cycle of training with exercises that differ from my previous mini cycle.


Unilateral Leg Extensions: 5 x 15 – 40lbs

Lying Leg Curls (on smith machine): 4 x 10 – 80lbs

Safety Bar close stance squats: 12 x 5 – 225lbs

Glute-Ham Raises: 5 x 8 – bodyweight

Glute Med Abduction: 4 x 10 – no weight


Again, I feel as though I did absolutely nothing. Next week I start a new mini training cycle :0)

Training – January 20th 2012

January 23rd, 2012  |  CATEGORY: Training



Eliptical for 10 minutes

Internal and external rotation (for rotator cuff) 3 x 15 each arm – 2.5lb




Alternating DB Curls: 4 x 15 – 30lbs, 40lbs, 50lbs, 50lbs

Close Grip Bench Press (12 inch grip): 5 x 6 – 95lbs, 135lbs, 185lbs, 225lbs, 265lbs, 285lbs

DB Concentration Curls: 3 x 15 – all sets w/ 30lbs

Cross Neck DB Extensions: 4 x 20 – all sets w/ 25lbs

DB Side Laterals: 2 x 30 – all sets w/ 30lbs

Wrist Curls: 2 x 30 – both sets w/ 45lbs bar

Wrist Extensions: 2 x 30 – 18lbs, 18lbs (23

My training log for January 18th 2012

January 18th, 2012  |  CATEGORY: Training

Today’s training – January 18th 2012:


Bike for 10 minutes

Internal and external rotation (for rotator cuff) 3 x 15 each arm – 2.5lbs


Standing calf raise on hack squat: 5 x 10 – 225lbs, 405lbs, 585lbs, 675lbs (8), 675lbs (7)

band pullaparts (8 inch grip): 3 x 20 – mini band, monster mini, monster mini (19)

bent-over DB reverse flys: 2 x 12 – 50lbs, 60lbs

Incline Swiss bar press + micro mini band tension (1 1/2 loops): 5 x 6 – bar, 130lbs, 170lbs, 220lbs, 240lbs (5)

Low Incline DB Press: 3 x 8 – 125lbs, 125lbs, 125lbs (oddly enough my last set was the easiest)

BB shrugs: 4 x 10 – 225lbs, 405lbs, 495lbs, 585lbs

Bent over BB rows: 3 x 8 – 225lbs, 315lbs, 365lbs (5) – lower back was incredibly tight so rows were not so strong tonight